The challenges I pose to myself are supposed to push me in some way that results in a benefit, whether it be mental or financial. For this 9 week challenge, I'll be aiming for both.
I am in the process of launching an apparel site. I have never done this before, but I have a lot of passion behind my idea. Since the site is almost finished and I already have many products lined up, the time has come to start selling. The challenge for me is that I am not a salesman or a marketer. I have knowledge of both fields, but I do not hold any delusions that I am either. Nevertheless, over the next 9 weeks I am challenging myself to make 30 sales. Not 30 items (so it could be more), and not to family members or friends. I'm going to refrain from even mentioning the site here until I either reach the goal or it's near the end of the quest.
You may be thinking that 30 does not sound like a lot, and you're right. It is a small number and yet a number so large that it terrifies me. I have to find 30 strangers and convince them into buying my product. The product may sell itself, but I still have to present the product into the marketplace, and that is where this becomes a challenge. And since I have a full time job, this will be done on spare hours.
The real challenge is for me to document what I do and how it does or does not work. I am not sure how often I will be posting, but I will strive for everyday that I do something with the product or its website. I'll be working in some social media as well, so I will track that. Again, I will not be advertising the site until later, so I'll give as many specifics as I can without giving it away.
Amazing how a number can seem so minuscule and so colossal at the same time.
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